

来源:攀枝花家教网 日期:2014-01-11


1.      Mr. Smith is _____European and his wife is _____ American.

A. an; an            B. a; a              C. a; an              D. an; a         

2. Please pay attention to your spelling. You have dropped_____ “m” here.

A. an               B. the               C. /                 D. a

3. The Wilsons live in_____ A-shaped house near the coast. It is _____17th century cottage.

A. the; /             B. an; the            C. /; the             D. an; a

4. Mary is _____honest girl. She is from Britain _____European country. Her friend Lily is ­_____Asia.

A. an; a; an          B. an; an; a           C. a; a; an          D. an; a; a

5. –I knocked over my office cup. It went right over _____keyboard.

  –You shouldn’t put drinks near _____computer.

A. the; /             B. the; a             C. a; /               D. a; a

6. Water is _____liquid and music is ____art.

A. a; an             B. /; an;              C. a; /               D. /; /

7. On ____cold evening, _____stranger came to my house.

A. a; the             B. /; a              C. the; a;             D. a; a

8. I ordered _____book some time ago. _____book has arrived.

A. a; The            B. the; A            C. a; A               D. /; the

9. I bought _____computer yesterday and I have _____computer now.

A.  a; /             B. /; a               C. a; one             D. one; a

10. They met each other once _____ month.

A. the               B. /                 C. a                D. an

11. The envelopes are one yuan _____ dozen.

A. a                B. an                C. the               D. /

12. He was absent because he had caught ­­_____.

A. heavy a cold       B. the heavy cold      C. a heavy cold        D. heavy cold

13. In winter _____people often hang up wet clothes near ____fire.

A. /; /               B. a; a               C. /; a               D. the; a

14. There’s _____book on _____table by your side.

A. a; the             B. a; a;             C. the; a             D. the; the

15. _____ongoing division between English-speaking Canadians and French-speaking Canadians is _____major concern of the country.

   A. The; /             B. The; a            C. An; the           D. An; /

16. Alexander Graham Bell invented____ telephone in 1867.

A. /                 B. a                C. the               D. one

17. Tea is _____most popular drink, while coffee comes _____second.

A .a ; the             B. the; the           C. the; /             D. a; /

18. On May 5,2005, at _____ World Table Tennis Championship, Kong Linghui and Wang Hao won the gold medal in men’s doubles with _____ score of 4:1

A. a; a               B. /; the             C. a; /              D. the; a

19. The education of _____young is always _____hot and serious topic.

A. /; /               B. the; a             C. /; the             D. the; /

20. The ship set sail to _____east but when a storm came, it had to turn to travel _____south.

A. /; /               B. the; the            C. the; /             D. /; the

21. I wonder what it feels like to have many children. _____Hayes already have three and they are planning to have _____fourth.

A. The; the           B. The; /            C. /; the             D. The; a

22. It is not true in _____that people in _____fifties are going to university for further education.

A. 90s; their          B. the 90s; /          C. 90s; /      D. the 90s; their

23. –Can your sister play_____?

–No, but she can play______.

A. the tennis; the piano

B. tennis; piano

C. the tennis; piano

D. tennis; the piano

24. On October 1, the Chinese people celebrated ____with new achievements and victories,

A. National Day                          B. the National Day

C. our National Day                       D. a National Day

25. He developed _____deep interest in insects when he was at ____age of 8.

A. a; a             B. the; the            C. a; the             D. the; a

26. He attended _____Yale University and graduated with ____degree in political science in 1976.

A. the; a           B. /; /                C. /; a               D. a; the

27. –Where do you suggest I go for my holiday?

–Jiuzhaigou. It is _____most beautiful place of interest. ____beauty of ____nature there will make _____excellent impression on you.

A. the; /; /;a                             B. a; The; /;an        

 C. the; The; the; an                       D. an; The; the; /

28. –Haven’t you been sent abroad for further studies?

   –I have _____!

A. such no luck                          B. no such luck

C. not such a luck                        D. no such a luck

29. Amazing, isn’t it ?_____housemaid has turned _____general manageress!

A. The; a           B. A; a              C. The;/             D. A; the

30. The soldier died during _____World War I.

A. the;             B. the first C          C. /                D. a

31. _____ as he is, he has some short-coming.

A. Hero            B. a hero             C. Heroes         D. The hero

32. Ask_____ nurse to put the child to bed, Professor Li.

A. an              B. a                 C. /                D. one

33. We were informed by ____telephone that a foreign delegation would come to visit our school by _____ bus.

A. the; the          B. a; a               C. the; a             D. /; /

34. _____is without _____doubt the most magnificent of the big cats.

A. The tiger; a       B. The tiger; /        C. Tiger; /           D. a tiger; the

35. At _____ length everything is in _____place, which made us greatly relieved.

A. the; a            B. /; /               C. the; /             D. /; a

36. _____of great danger, _____ always act bravely.

A. In the time; the Smiths                 B. In time; the Smiths’    

C. In time; the Smiths                    D. In the course; these Smiths’

37. According to recent reports, one of the  of rare animals, _____crocodile, is in _____danger of dying out.

A. the; the          B. the; /             C. /; /                D/; the

38. It is often said that ____ teachers have _____very easy life.

A. /; /              B. /; a              C. the; /              D. the; a

39. The warmth of _____sweater will of course be determined by the sort of _____ wool used.

A. the; the          B. the; /             C. /; the              D. /; /

40. It is said that about a quarter of _____European can speak _____foreign language besides their native languages.

A. the; a            B. an; the           C. the; the             D. /; /

41. Nowadays, _____mobiles phone is _____poplar means of communication.

A. the; a            B. a; /              C. the; the             D. a; the

42. _____person like him won’t be simply satisfied with _____ little progress that has been made.

A. The; a           B. The; /             C. A; /               D. A; the

43. I don’t know who invented _____telescope, but I think it is _____most useful invention.

A. the; the          B. the; a             C. a; the              D. a; a

44. –Hello, could I speak to Mr. Smith?

–Sorry, wrong number. There isn’t _____ Mr. Smith here.

A. /                B. a                C. the                D. one

45. _____recent report stated that the number of Spanish speakers in the U.S would be higher than the number of English speakers by _____year 2090.

A. A; the            B. A; /              C. The; /             D. The; a

46. He worked without _____success. As a doctor, he was not _____success.

A. a; a              B. much; /           C. much; a            D. a; 

47. There was _____time when I hated to go to school.

A. the               B. a                C. /                D. an

48. –Haven’t we met each other at ____party?

–Yes, but I can’t remember whether it is _____Christmas when we were in college.

A. a; the             B. the; a             C. a; a             D. a; /

49. Boris has brains. In fact, I doubt whether anyone in the class has ____IQ.

A. a high            B. a higher           C. the; higher        D. the; highest

50. Lesson 10 is _____most difficult lesson, but it isn’t_____ most difficult lesson in Book One.

A. a; a              B. a; the             C. the; the           D. the; a

51. He has tried twice, and the captain asks him to have _____ third try.

A. a                B. the               C. another           D. other

52. Many people agree that_____ knowledge of English is a must in _____international trade today.

A. a; /              B. the; an            C. the; the           D. /; the

53. She would like to study ____ English language at university but her parents would like her to study _____medicine.

A. the; /             B. /; the              C. /; /             D. the; the

54. A bullet hit the soldier and he was wounded in _____leg.

A. a                B. one               C. the              D. his

55. She touched her daughter gently ____ shoulder.

A. in her            B. on her             C. in the            D. on the

56. There were two small rooms in the house, _____smaller of which served as ____kitchen.

A. a; the            B. the; a              C. the; the           D. a; a

57. Apples are usually sold by ____weight, and eggs are sometimes sold by ____dozen.

A. the; the           B. /; a               C. /; the             D. the; a

58. He’s so ill that his father has to send for _____doctor.

A. one              B. some              C. a                D. the

59. I have six color pencils.­­ ______is red, another is blue and ____ are green.

A. On; the others                          B. A pencil; the others   

C. A; others                              D. One; others

60. It is generally believed that teaching is ____ it is a science.

A. an art much as                          B. much an art as

C. as an art much                          D. as much an art as

61. ______ box can’t be lifted by a boy of five.

A. So a heavy                             B. So heavy a   

C. A such heavy                           D. Such heavy a

62. _____from Beijing to London!

A. How long way it is                      B. What long way is it

C. How long way is it                      D. What a long way it is

63. This is _____ useful book that everyone wants to get it.

   A. so a            B. such a              C. so an            D. such an

64. What _____fine weather we are having these days!

A. a               B. /                  C. an              D. the

65. Your big lawn-mower is ______for the high grass.

A. just the job       B. the just job          C. the job just       D. the job of just

66. Paper produced every year is _____the world’s production of vehicles.

A. the three times weight of                 B. three times the weight of   

C. as three times heavy as                   D. three times as heavier as

67. He did it ____ it took me.

A. one-third a time                        B. one-third time

C. the one-third time                       D. one-third the time

68. In face of _____ failure, it is the most important to keep up _____ good state of mind.

A. /; a             B. a; /                 C. the; /            D. /; the

69. Have you heard _____news? The price of _____ petrol is going up again!

A. the; the          B. /; the               C. the; /            D. /; /

70. –Have you seen _____ Audi car I parked here?

–Is it ______black one? A young man has drive a black a black car away.

A. an; a            B. the; the             C. the; a            D. an; the

71. It is known to us that it takes years of _____ practice to gain ____ skills of _____ expert.

A. /; the; a          B. /; the; the           C. the; the; an        D. a; /; the

72. Students should be encouraged to use _____ Internet as _____ resource.

A. /; a              B. /; the              C. the; the           D. the; a

73. My neighbor asked me to go for _____ walk, but I don’t think I’ve got ____ energy.

A. a; /              B. the; the            C. /; the             D. a; the

74. We went right round to the west coast by ____ sea instead of driving across ____ continent.

A. the; the           B. /; the             C. the; /             D. /; /

75. I ate ____ sandwich while I was waiting for ______ 20:08 train.

A. the; a            B. the; the            C. a; the             D. a; a

76. Most animals have little connection with ______animals of ______ different kind unless they kill them for food.

A. the; a            B. /; a                C. the; the           D. /; the

Key: 1-5: CADAB      6-10: ADACC      11-15: ACCAB      16-20: CCDBC

21-25: DDDAC    26-30: CBBCC     31-35: ACDBB      36-40: CBBBA

41-45: ADBBA    46-50: CBCBB     51-55: AAACD      56-60: BCCAD

61-65: BDBBA    66-70: BDACC     71-75: ADDBC      76: B

