

来源:攀枝花家教网 日期:2012-10-13

A home video of two babies engaged in an animated conversation in a kitchen has become an Internet phenomenon. The two-minute clip shows twin brothers Sam and Ren McEntee, aged just 17 months and barely able to stand, enjoying a lively exchange in which they laugh, raise their hands emphatically and nod their heads. So far the footage has attracted a staggering 9.4million views on YouTube。

  This is probably because the boys' conversation is so adult in its mannerisms and they appear to genuinely understand what each other is saying。

  Transfixed viewers even made suggestions as to what the brothers might be talking about - before comments on the video were disabled。


  Professor Karen Thorpe, of the Queensland University of Technology’s School of Psychology and Counselling, told ABC News: 'Babies are wired for communication from the start and we see here a fine example of how sophisticated and beautiful communication in even young children can be.' The broadcaster also reported that 40 per cent of twins develop what appears to be their own language. However, they are mimicking sounds and mannerisms that they have heard or seen, rather than actually understanding what each other is saying。

  一来一往的对话,内容同样都是“哒哒哒”,但口气、声调却各有不同,有问句,也有答句,加上摇头、挥手的动作来加强语意。 更多的网友则热烈讨论这对双胞胎对话的内容究竟是什么。连语言学家都加入讨论,要通过这段影片进一步研究婴幼儿的语言发展。来自昆士兰大学心理技术并提供咨询服务的教授 Karen Thorpe告诉记者:“婴儿们虽然不能说大人的话,但是,他们有着他们自己的语言体系,这段视频就是一个非常好的例子。婴儿之间的语言交流是美丽的,也是富有含义的,值得研究。”据悉,有40%的双胞胎有着他们自己才能理解的语言,他们嘟嘟囔囔互相交流的时候,他们不需要实际上弄清楚对方在说一些什么,但是他们的呐呐自语有着他们自己的道理。
