

来源:攀枝花家教网 日期:2011-11-21

    Here are 8 fields (out of 21 major job categories) in which full-time workers are most likely to report an episode of major depression in a given year.


 未来最具压力的八大工作领域,你敢挑战吗?(双语)Food service staff 餐饮服务人员

      Staff often get low pay and can have exhausting jobs with numerous people telling them what to do each day.



Social workers  社会工作者

    Dealing with abused children or families on the brink of every imaginable crisis—combined with bureaucratic red tape—can make for a demanding, stressful job . Because social workers work with people who are so needy, it can be hard to not sacrifice too much to the job.



Health-care workers 卫生保健工作者

    Every day they are seeing sickness, trauma, and death and dealing with family members of patients. It can shade one's outlook on the whole that the world is a sadder place.



Artists, entertainers, writers 艺术家、演艺人员、作家 

    These jobs can bring irregular paychecks, uncertain hours, and isolation.



Teachers  老师

    The demands on teachers seem to be constantly growing. Many work after school and then take work home. There are pressures from many different audiences—the kids, their parents, and the schools. 



Maintenance workers  维修工

   They have to work odd hours, seasonal or varied schedules, and frequent night shifts. They are often paid little for a tough job.



Financial advisors and accountants  财务顾问和会计

    There is so much responsibility for other people's finances and no control of the market. There is guilt involved, and when (clients) are losing money, they probably have people screaming at them with regularity.



Salespeople  销售人员

     This uncertainty of income, tremendous pressure for results, and long hours can make for a high-stress occupation.  

